YAK deluxe "Isabella color"
Barefoot "Lovely"
Barefoot "Field mouse baby"
Barefoot "Artemesia green"
Mixed bundle "Sweet cherry"
Mixed bundle "Burning flame"
Alba (GOTS) 29-dunkelbraun
Alba (GOTS) 003-rosé
Extraklasse braun multicolor (4452)
Balance "Koralle"
High twist "Maple"
Sockenwolle 4-fach Degradé "Grapefruit"
High twist 4-fach Degradé "Heartbeat"
Balance "Silver"
Balance "Sepia"
Balance "Smoke"
High twist "Citrine"
High twist melange (Landhaus) "Burgundy"
Ultrakrass auf Ultrafine "Neon mandarin"
Ultrakrass auf Ultrafine "Violet magique"
Ultrakrass auf Ultrafine "Radiant chartreuse glow"
Extraklasse dunkelblau (4517)
Extraklasse grün (4506)
Extraklasse bordeaux (4502)
Extraklasse anthrazit (4509)
Extraklasse wollweis (4511)
Extraklasse hellgrau (4512)
Extraklasse salbeigrün (4521)
Extraklasse petrol (4507)
Extraklasse senf (4520)
Extraklasse magenta (4505)
Extraklasse türkis (4523)
Extraklasse taupe (4518)
Extraklasse hellblau (4522)
Extraklasse flieder (4525)
Merino 6-fach DK "Terracotta"
Ramie deluxe "Fudge"
Ramie deluxe "Sweetie"
Ramie deluxe "Sounds of the sea"
Ramie deluxe "Strawberry"
Ramie deluxe "Nightingale"
Ramie deluxe "Shining breeze"
Ramie deluxe "Indigo"
Sockenwolle 4-fach Tweed "Aubergine"
Aktionspack 18 (türkis)
Aktionspack 20 (orange)
Aktionspack 23 (Brushed cashmere)
Aktionspack 25 (Brushed merino)
Aktionspack 26 (Ramie deluxe)
High twist 4-fach Sockenwolle Aktionspack 9
High twist 4-fach Sockenwolle Aktionspack 10
Garnset Rosenholz
Cupcake-Box dunkel
Garnset royalblau
Garnset türkis
Garnset koralle
Diverse Sockenwolle rot Aktionspack 11
"Opus" Walcot Yarns Aktionspack 13
Lungauer Sockenwolle 8-fach
Riesiges Lotus-Yarns-Luxus-Paket!
5 x Alpaka-light himmelblau semisolid
5 x Alpaka-light emerald semisolid
9 x "Peru" himmelblau
Merino 6-fach DK "Dezember '23"
Merino 6-fach DK "Heartbeat"
Merino 6-fach DK "Sweetheart"
Merino 6-fach DK "Dusty green"
Merino 6-fach DK "Calamine"
High twist 4-fach "Heartbeat"
Single Merino DK "Dezember"
Single Merino DK "Heartbeat"
Single Merino DK "Sweetheart"
Single Merino DK "Creme"
Single Merino DK "Dusty green"
Single Merino DK "Pinecone"
Single Merino DK "Calamine"
Sparkle "Calamine"
Donegal Tweed 4ply "Dusty green"
Donegal Tweed 4ply "Pinecone"
Donegal Tweed DK "Heartbeat"
Donegal Tweed DK "Pinecone"
Donegal Tweed DK "Calamine"
Sockenwolle 4-fach "Blue sugar"
Sockenwolle 4-fach "Aqua tropic"
Sockenwolle 4-fach "Honololu sunset"